Your gutters are one of those characteristics of your home that you probably don’t think much about unless something goes wrong. However, you can usually avoid looking for a company that does new gutter installations in Montgomery County, PA, if you take a few precautions to protect your gutters from more severe damage.
Here’s how to ensure your gutters remain protected all year round:
Keep Your Gutters Clear
It’s usually thought of as an autumnal chore, but making sure your gutters are clean goes a long way to keeping them safe throughout the year. Your gutter system is designed to divert water away from your roof and home to avoid damage to the structures. However, when leaves, branches, and other debris get caught in the spout, it can lead to poor drainage. When water begins to back up in your gutters, its weight begins to put a massive strain on your gutter system, leading to severe damage during a storm.
If you aren’t able to regularly maintain your gutters, you can install a gutter guard instead. Gutter guards act as covers for your gutters, which keep it from becoming filled with leaves and other debris throughout its life.
Make Sure It’s Secure
While it would be great for everything that your home needs to last forever, the reality is that things often wear out. Whether it’s the roof itself, the gutter system, the gutter guard, or the fasteners that allow the gutter system to remain upright, there will be times when parts of your gutter system can become unstable in the face of a storm.
Check to make sure that sections of your gutter aren’t coming loose by performing a visual inspection of your gutters and roof. If you see signs of sagging or significant gaps between the gutters and your roof, you should repair it so that it doesn’t become a liability to your home when it storms.
Trim the Landscaping
While your landscape adds to your home’s overall curb appeal, it’s essential to make sure that trees and other growth are as far away from your gutters and roof as they can be. The reason for this is that any branch or limb hanging over the gutters and roof can quickly become a liability that will easily damage your gutters if left unchecked.
If you want to find out more about how to protect your gutters, or need other services like stone veneer installation in the Bucks County, PA, area, give Trilogy Exteriors a call today!