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6 Tips to Help You Take Care of Your Roof

If you own your home for an extended period, there’s a good chance you’ll have to replace the roof. Once restored, you’ll want your new roof to stay in excellent condition for as long as possible. At Trilogy Exteriors, we want to help our customers get the most from their new roof installations with our professional roofing services in Montgomery County, PA

Therefore, below you’ll find some tips to help you take care of your new roof.

Regularly Clean Your Gutters

Every year debris such as leaves, twigs, and branches can clog up the gutters of our homes. Clogged gutters can lead to an excess of water on our rooftops, resulting in extensive damage over time. Clear gutters allow water to drain off our roofs properly and help to prevent damage from occurring. We recommend clearing your gutters after any stormy weather, or at least once every few weeks.

Inspect Your Roof Regularly

Early detection and repair is the key to helping your roof last a long time. After a windstorm, walk around and check the roof for any signs of damage. Throughout the year, keep your eyes peeled for loose shingles or any irregularities on your rooftop. Upon inspection, if you spot any damage, we recommend calling a roofing professional immediately.

Remove Debris from Your Roof

If any foreign objects land on your roof, make sure you remove them. Moisture can form underneath any object that sits on your roof for a long time. It’s essential that these objects are removed before the moisture leads to irreparable damage.

Avoid Moss and Algae Build-Up

You can help to avoid moss and algae build-up by keeping your attic sufficiently ventilated. Also, ensure that you trim any overhanging branches and remove debris from your roof regularly as these materials can bring mosses and algae to your rooftop.

Check Your Attic Insulation

Efficient insulation and ventilation in your attic can help to keep your roof in excellent condition by preventing the formation of ice dams and reducing levels of moisture.

Work with Professionals

If you need any work done on your roof after reading through the above recommendations, always work with professionals. At Trilogy Exteriors, our professional roofing contractors serving Bucks County, PA, will be able to spot problems before they become dangerous or compromise the structural integrity of your home.

What Our Customers Say

Excellent service and quality. We'll be using on future home projects!

- Jessica

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- Shelly Allen

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- Lucy Beth

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- Roger Johnson