With summer weather kicking into full force, it’s about time that we look up and check on the exterior of our homes. Many homeowners put off getting a new roof, so today we’re taking our professional input as residential roofing contractors in Bucks County, PA, and highlighting the key signs that going for a brand new installation might be in the cards for your home.
Time for Retirement
Like people and nearly every functional aspect of a home, roofs can only work for so long before they retire for good. If you’ve owned your home for years or even decades and have never gotten your roof checked out, there’s a high chance that its age is getting the best of it. Don’t waste a moment: contact us today and get your roof removal and installation process underway.
That Looks Odd!
Roofing has a wide range of different discoloration possibilities, and the right amount of any of them means that you should get a new roof soon. Whether it be dark streaks caused by algae, growth of moss on the shingles, or the appearance of missing protective granules, any type of discoloration or visual oddity on your roofing is a sure-fire sign that you need a new roof this year.
Leaking Again?
A roof should protect your home from the outdoors. If it stops successfully filling this protective role, getting a new room is a critical step to save the house from further damage. While there’s a break in chaotic weather this summer, that is the perfect time to redo your roofing finally. Want a more weather-proof roofing system, so that you don’t have to replace or repair your roof as often? Our team offers residential metal roofing throughout Bucks County, PA, and the surrounding areas so that you can save money on energy costs and roof repairs in the long run.
Protect Your Home With Trilogy Exteriors!
Our team of roofing specialists has one job: keep your home liveable. When you hire Trilogy Exteriors, you won’t be disappointed in our fantastic quality removal and installation processes to get you a roof fit for your family. Contact us today to figure out what we can do for your home!